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Please follow our Facebook page for announcements about our application meetings. 



Jefferson County Habitat for Humanity is a Christian housing ministry financed through private donations and utilizing volunteer labor.  Our purpose is to build homes with families and sell the homes at no profit and no interest to families who could not otherwise afford a home.  All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin.


Families shall be selected based upon three criteria: 

1.) Need

2.) Ability to Pay

3.) Willingness to Partner.


1.) Need: Families shall be judged on need by their present living situations.  The following observations should be evaluated by the home visitation team of the selection committee to help determine the greatest need among qualified applicants.


A.  Does the family have an adequate living environment based upon the size of the family?

B.  Does the family have heat, plumbing, and electricity that are adequate for the family’s survival?

C.  Does the square footage match the family’s needs?

D.  Is the condition of the present living environment adequate for the family?

E.  Is the cost of the present living environment suitable for the family’s income?


2.) Ability to Pay:  Families shall be judged on their ability to repay a loan, provided by Jefferson County Habitat for Humanity using the following criteria.


A. The family’s total yearly income will fall within 30-60% of the County’s gross median income

as reported by HUD.  Steady income, such as child support and food stamps, can count toward a family’s total yearly income.

B. If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent a family from qualifying for a more

conventional mortgage a viable reason must be provided.

C. The employment verification, payment records from landlords and the credit report should

show the applicant was truthful in providing information to Jefferson County Habitat for Humanity.

D. The credit report may not show any liens or judgments which have not been addressed by

the applicant's family.

E. The applicant must show good faith in their dealings with Jefferson County Habitat for


F. The applicant should not have a history of over-extending credit and not paying.

G. There must be a viable explanation for extenuating circumstances which preclude an

applicant from repaying on a negligent credit item.

H. The family’s monthly mortgage payment should not exceed 30% of the family’s monthly

gross income.


3.) Willingness to Partner: Examples of a Family’s willingness to partner includes but is not limited to the following examples:


  • The family understands the self-help partnership program.

  • The family IS REQUIRED TO WORK on the homes of others and on special projects, fundraisers, etc.

  • The family understands that Habitat needs every family to be an active partner.

  • The family understands the care of their home and lot is their responsibility and duty.

  • The family realizes the importance of making their monthly house payments on time, every

  • month.

  • The family willingly provides the opportunity for the selection committee to make a home

  • visit.

  • The family is comfortable with the implications of a highly publicized program and is willing

  • to support Habitat in the community.


Please read the following items to determine if you have an interest in our ministry and if you meet our general guidelines.


  • To qualify, you must have housing needs.  For example poor indoor plumbing, insufficient heating, leaks in the roof, overcrowding, (three to a bedroom) unsafe or unsanitary conditions.

  • You must have resided in our service area (Jefferson County) for at least 12 months.

  • You must have a minimum steady monthly income that is based on 30% of the county’s gross median income established yearly by HUD.

  • Upon your permission, the Jefferson County Habitat for Humanity Family Selection Committee will verify employment and other income, verify checking and savings account balances; secure a statement from your current and previous landlords; conduct a credit check as well and ask you for credit references, which the JCHFH Family Selection Committee can contact to provide statements about you.

  • If you are selected and approved for a Habitat home, you must be willing to join in the programs to learn and practice budgeting, home repair, and maintenance.  If you are selected and approved for a Habitat home, you must be willing to work at least 400 hours of sweat equity.  Immediate family members or designees will be allowed to assist in achieving designated sweat equity hours to be performed.

  • If you are selected and approved for a Habitat home, you will be required to pay a down payment and closing costs.

  • If you are selected and approved for a Habitat home as well as meet the sweat-equity, down payment, and partnering requirements, then JCHFH will sell the home to you at cost.  The house payments will include taxes and insurance.  The house payments will be made payable to JCHFH and used to build more houses in partnership with other people like you.  This requires that you will agree to pay monthly payments on time.

  • If you are selected and approved for a Habitat home and have any questions regarding any of the above processes or other related areas, you are then encouraged to submit written questions to members of the JCHFH Family Selection Committee.  Your questions will be addressed during the regular monthly meetings and responded to in a timely manner.

  • Selection/Informational meetings are held as needed to begin the family selection process.  Interested families that have contacted the office are notified by mail when the selection/informational meeting will be held.  The meeting is also announced through the media.  The selection/informational meetings provide a forum to assist families in filling out the necessary application forms.  Families who are not able to attend the meeting may contact the office and receive instructions and an application to fill out and return within the announced time period.  Families not initially accepted may reapply during other application periods.


  • All information is considered confidential and is to be used only for family selection.  Members of our Family Selection Committee are willing to help you fill out this preliminary application.  Should you have any further questions, please call the Habitat Office at 870-536-3822.

© Jefferson County Habitat for Humanity.



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